About Open Kitchen...

In my ideal life, I would live in a lively neighborhood with broad sidewalks and big trees.  The houses would have small front gardens and huge front porches full of comfortable chairs.  All my friends would be perfectly happy to live next door to one another.  We would each experience the wonderful magic that proximity creates, the easy, casual flow of visits and the impromtu sharing of life.  I'd be here, you'd come over, we'd walk over to see them, and call the rest for dinner.  You'd bring the potatoes from your garden, I'd have Ruby Pearls, we'd find some lettuce.  Fire up the grills.  Did you see, have you heard, do you know, what do you think??...Love and ideas would flow.

So much of cooking is about sharing and opening yourself up to other people that exchanging recipes seems a natural and integral part of the process.  I can't imagine being friends with someone who won't share a recipe.  Or even worse, withholds a certain fillip of an ingredient in an effort to insure dissatisfaction.  This speaks to me of a niggardliness of spirit that certainly must infect other parts of their life and which I can only pity and avoid.  Many of my best recipes have come from friends whom I think of every time I make their special treat.  It is like one big karmic net that spreads on and on, benefitting everyone and lessening no one.

So while I'm waiting for everyone to move to Kenilworth, I have created my own karmic net by sharing my favorite recipes with you.  Open Sesame! come into my world and cook!

1 comment:

  1. So excited to see all your food adventures, and to be a part of them!
